Dear reader,

When reading the Great Mystery, it is of the utmost importance that you read it in chronological order. Each chapter builds on the previous one, allowing you to develop a full understanding of the content. This structure is crucial to grasping the full depth and wisdom of the book.

It is also important to understand that the book has been written so that each chapter fits like a puzzle piece to the next. It is a journey where each subsequent chapter deepens the knowledge and leads you to new insights that seamlessly fit together to form a complete picture. This methodical approach is designed to bring about a transformation in your brain. The neurons connect in a way that can put you in a new state of consciousness after reading the book.

All the best for your transformative journey,

Your Marko C. Lorenz

Chapter 1

First contact

In the opening chapter of my book "The Great Mystery", I take you on the journey of my first near-death experience. Here you will learn how I entered the afterlife and had an extraordinary encounter - contact with a higher existence that I perceived as God.

During this profound encounter, you will gain insights into the mysteries of life that will inspire you to reflect on the meaning and purpose of your own existence. The divine presence I met will reveal to you the workings of extraordinary states of consciousness, the nature of reality and time, and insights into the play of incarnation from a higher perspective.

This chapter is more than just a narrative, it is an invitation to expand your perception and take the first step into a world of deeper insights and spiritual enlightenment. The experiences and insights I share with you in the first chapter of the book have broadened my horizons so much that they alone could provide enough material for a book of their own.

Chapter 2


In chapter two, I take you on an extraordinary retreat that marked a turning point in my life. There I had an experience that could change not only my life, but also the way you see the world. I gained telepathic access to a higher source - a source that constructed our reality.

Imagine asking critical, forensic questions throughout the night and receiving ultimate answers that illuminate the nature of reality construction. I did just that, and in this chapter I share those profound insights with you. It is the foundation of the book and serves to broaden your horizons so that you can gain a deeper understanding of consciousness, and therefore of yourself.

To truly understand consciousness, it is crucial to understand how the construct we are in works. This chapter will not only give you knowledge, but also a new perspective on the world and your role in it.

Chapter 3


In the third chapter, you will witness a magical moment - my initiation by the divine source. I have documented this experience so precisely and vividly that as you turn the pages, you will become part of this initiation yourself.

The words in this chapter are chosen by Divine Source so that they will transcend your mind and touch your soul directly. They are so powerful that they will take you to a state of consciousness that is beyond all human imagination. As you read, you will realize that your mind may not be able to grasp everything immediately, but the words will reach your innermost being so deeply that they will bring about a change in you.

This expanded state of consciousness that you will experience in this chapter is not just a one-time experience, but the foundation for everything that awaits you in the following chapters. It is a crucial step on your path to deeper understanding and spiritual awakening.

Chapter 4

Gate 1: Checking the condition

In the fourth chapter, I accompany you into a dimension that goes beyond anything you could have imagined before. Imagine a journey into a world without time, without space - a journey into singularity, to the point where infinity folds in on itself.

In this chapter you will experience what it means to be in a moment where there is only pure awareness and pure existence. Here you will learn the true meaning of states of consciousness. You will understand how crucial it is to learn to control them. Because the state of our consciousness is what creates reality and makes life alive.

I admit that learning to control my own state of consciousness was fundamental to what is to come in the following chapters. This chapter is not just a narrative of my experiences - it is a practical guide and inspiration for you to gain the same control and deep insight into your own consciousness.

Chapter 5

Gate 2: There is only you

In chapter five, I open the door for you to a breakthrough realization - there is only one consciousness. This realization is crucial to entering divine consciousness. It is a journey that begins, as described in gate one, with the control of one's own state. This leads me through a metaphysical bridge into the deepest corners of the rabbit hole.

Here I discover incredible truths behind our reality. This chapter is not just a narrative of my own experiences, but an interactive guide to take you deeper into the mysteries of consciousness and divine essence. You will realize that the truth is much more encompassing than we could ever imagine.

This gateway is an essential step on your spiritual journey. It expands your perspective, changes your perception and prepares you for the profound experiences in the following chapters.

Chapter 6

Gate 3: Fog of oblivion

In the sixth chapter, you will join me on a deep, transformative journey of forgetting. This phase, which I call the amnesia phase, is a key turning point where I begin to forget who I am. However, this forgetting is not a loss, but a gateway to deeper knowledge and insight. In this state, the hidden structures behind our perceived reality reveal themselves to me. Everything that I had only been taught in theory until then, I now experience in all its intensity and depth.

As I wander through the fog of oblivion in this chapter, I receive numerous messages that are not only crucial for my personal transformation, but also for humanity as a whole. I have carefully written these messages down in this chapter to share with you and the world. They offer profound insights and realizations that will fundamentally change the way you view life and consciousness.

Chapter 7

A day with God

In the seventh chapter, you will experience with me an extraordinary day that goes beyond all imaginable boundaries: God physically manifests himself on earth. This chapter impressively describes how we experience the presence of God for an entire day. We ask him countless questions and receive answers that profoundly expand and enrich our understanding of reality and consciousness.

The demonstrations of God during this day are breathtaking - he speaks through everyone and everything that surrounds us. This experience serves as irrefutable proof of the existence of a higher consciousness that has a significant influence on our physical reality and everything that happens in the matrix. The encounter with God in this chapter is not only a testimony to his power and presence, but also a profound indication of the immeasurable possibilities that lie dormant in our own consciousness.

Chapter 8

Beyond the gods

Chapter eight takes you on a journey that goes far beyond what you have experienced so far. In "Beyond the Gods" you will learn how I have an extraordinary encounter with a being - or rather a consciousness - that is even above the gods. This chapter is an odyssey of the mind in which I ask profound and critical questions: Who created this superior consciousness? How does consciousness work at its core? What is the ultimate purpose of it all?

The answers I receive are not only phenomenal, but also explode any conventional notions of reality and consciousness. These insights open up new perspectives and lead to an understanding that reaches far beyond our human experience. The chapter is an invitation to delve even deeper into the mysteries of the universe. It is an exciting adventure that encourages you to redefine and expand your own perception of existence and spirituality.

Chapter 9


In chapter nine, I return to the higher spheres of consciousness. Here I focus on the essence of our uniqueness and individuality. This chapter is a deep exploration of the questions that lie at the core of our being: Why do we exist? How were we created? What is the deeper meaning and purpose of our existence? And how can we live a fulfilled and happy life?

In this section of the book you will find answers that shed light on the mysteries of our individual spirit and help us to better understand our own existence. It offers insights into the meaning and purpose of our existence, and shows ways in which we can live our lives in harmony with our true nature. This chapter is an invitation to explore and appreciate our own individuality and to discover the wisdom that lies hidden in our unique being.

Chapter 10


This chapter takes you into the fascinating world of a skyscraper that represents our human consciousness. Together we explore in detail the different floors of consciousness. In this section, I ask profound questions about the nature of consciousness, how it emerges through the interactions of individualities and interweaves in a complex network - a network that forms the consciousness of God himself.

The metaphor of the skyscraper is used to illustrate the different levels of consciousness. Each "floor" represents a different state of consciousness, and I am told what can be done to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. This chapter offers deep insights into the construction of consciousness and the creation of the collective consciousness. It shows how all levels are interconnected and how each level influences the bigger picture of our existence and being.

Chapter 11


Chapter eleven marks a decisive turning point in my book. It is the chapter where everything we have learned and experienced so far comes together. It leads us to a deeper understanding of what enlightenment really means and how we can reach this state of consciousness. Here you will learn what it takes to reach this state of enlightenment, which is the ultimate human aspiration.

In this chapter, the essence of enlightenment is presented not only as a human goal, but also as a path - a path that teaches us to live in the present, to recognize our innermost truths and to dwell in a state of peace and harmony. It offers practical ways and insights on how to achieve this sublime state of consciousness, and how life changes when you live in this deep connection with the self and the universe.

Chapter 12


Here I address the profound question of the meaning of it all - the existence of human beings and the universe. I ask questions about why everything happens and what deeper meaning or purpose lies behind the various forms of consciousness that keep the clockwork of the universe running.

It is argued that the absence of meaning leads to a kind of mental death, where consciousness plummets into the basement of existence. In contrast, understanding the meaning of one's existence and the larger construction of life leads to a state full of vibrancy and joy. This understanding is like the elixir that provides the best possible impetus to reach higher and more beautiful states of consciousness.

The chapter invites you to reflect on the deeper meaning of life and the universe. It offers insights into how understanding one's place in the grand scheme of things can lead to a fulfilled and joyful life.

Chapter 13

The path to self-liberation

Chapter thirteen brings together all the knowledge and experience gained throughout the book. You will learn how this comprehensive knowledge and understanding enables you to enter a different, liberating state of consciousness. The chapter acts like a message or hypnotic text that guides and supports the reader on the path to self-liberation. It is a kind of guide that not only provides theoretical knowledge, but also offers practical tools and instructions to achieve this state of freedom and higher consciousness.

"The Path to Self-Liberation" is more than just a chapter - it is an invitation to break the shackles that bind us to limited states of consciousness and enter a world of freedom, peace and deep realization. It is a guide that shows how, by applying what you have learned, you can achieve a transformation of your own being and consciousness.

Chapter 14

From ash to lava

Chapter fourteen represents a further culmination and synthesis of all that has been learned and experienced in the previous chapters. It is the heart of the divine experience. In this chapter I recount an extraordinary experience that took me to a distant world and revealed to me the nature of perfect love.

I was shown that love is the fundamental principle behind everything. It forms, creates and shapes everything to keep itself alive - simply out of the joy of life itself. This chapter is deeply emotional and so powerfully written that it has the potential to remind you of perfect love and reawaken it within you. It is a journey that not only deepens your understanding of love, but also shows how love is the essence of our being and of all creation.

Chapter 15

Take off your glasses

In chapter fifteen, I continue my journey into ever higher states of consciousness. In this section of the book I describe my encounters with powerful beings and publish for the first time the profound messages and texts they have transmitted to me. These messages come from a distant dimension, possibly even from the future, and aim to support us in awakening to divine consciousness.

The chapter is designed to remind us of who we really are and contains instructions on how to free ourselves from old patterns and limited perspectives. It's like taking off a pair of glasses that have previously limited our vision. Through this metaphorical action, we open ourselves to a new reality, a new timeline that is more in tune with our true essence and divine potential.

Chapter 16

The birth of the soul

The birth of the soul is a particularly profound and emotional section of my book. In this chapter, I share the extraordinary experience and memory of how my soul was born. For me personally, this experience is one of the most moving and formative of my life.

The chapter serves to put into practice all that has been covered so far in the book on a theoretical level. It offers deep insights into the nature of existence, how existence really works, and how souls evolve. I discuss how souls inhabit and sustain the infinite clockwork and fabric of the divine.

The "Birth of the Soul" is not only a personal narrative, but also a universal story about the beginning and evolution of being. It demonstrates the deep interconnectedness of every soul with the universe and how each individual soul plays an irreplaceable part in the grand fabric of life.

Chapter 17


This is where the book reaches its climax. This chapter forms a kind of synthesis of all the previous chapters. It is the key to entering the state of awakening - a state that brings with it a deep understanding of oneself, one's fellow human beings, the world, the universe and God.

"Awakening" is more than just a state of consciousness. It is a transformation of the entire being. In this chapter, I demonstrate what it means to truly awaken. It is about liberation from the illusion of individuality, which is believed to be the true self. Through awakening, we realize that we are part of a much larger, interconnected and divine whole.

Chapter 18

The creation of everything

In the concluding chapter of my book, I reveal the profound truth about the origin of divinity. This chapter is a journey beyond the limits of human imagination and reveals the divine source of all being, an even deeper dimension than described in Chapter 16, "The Birth of the Soul".

This final chapter is a mind-expanding revelation that encourages readers to slam the book shut with a sense of wonder and new realization. It is like removing a veil and seeing the world in a new, shining light. The wisdom from the previous chapters culminates here and comes together to form a complete picture - recognizing divinity right before your eyes.

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